Astrology House

Janus 6 Software


We're not expecting you will have any trouble installing Janus 5, if you have please contact us.

Janus 5.5 Update from Janus 5.0, 5.1, 5.3

25 March 2021

Janus 5.5 is a major revision of Janus 5.0, 5.1 and Janus 5.3. There are new features, enhancements and fixes. Read about the changes from Janus 5 to Janus 5.5 here.

Important Notice:

Please be aware that many of Janus 5.0, Janus 5.1 and Janus 5.3’s settings have been changed in Janus 5.5. When updating from Janus 5.0, Janus 5.1 and Janus 5.3, any customized settings and Presets you have created will be over-ridden by the new Janus 5.5 factory settings.

Before updating, we recommend that you make a note of any important settings you have customized in Janus 5.0, Janus 5.1 or Janus 5.3 and wish to replicate in Janus 5.5.

Installing the update:

Janus 5.5 will install over Janus 5.0, Janus 5.1 and Janus 5.3.

We recommend that you close Janus 5 and all other applications on your computer before installing Janus 5.5 because a restart is required after the installation process has completed.

Download the 5.5 update here

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